Sterile Monitoring

The Getinge Assured Tape (Steam) can be used in 121°C gravity sterilizers and 132°-134°C pre-vacuum sterilizers. Stripes turn dark brown/black after exposure to steam or chemical vapour sterilization conditions, thus providing identification of processed items. When a pack is opened, your OR staff can quickly verify that the conditions for sterilization were achieved and that the instruments and utensils are safe to use in surgical procedures.

The Getinge Assured Bowie-Dick Test Card TT (table-top) is specially packaged for daily monitoring and detection of residual air in small pre-vacuum steam sterilizers operating at 134°C. Residual air can inhibit pre-vacuum steam sterilization. The special pouch packaging prevents the indicator card from being exposed to excessively wet steam conditions that are sometimes present in small steam sterilizers.

The Getinge Assured Tape (Steam) can be used in 121°C gravity sterilizers and 132°-134°C pre-vacuum sterilizers. Stripes turn dark brown/black after exposure to steam or chemical vapour sterilization conditions, thus providing identification of processed items. When a pack is opened, your OR staff can quickly verify that the conditions for sterilization were achieved and that the instruments and utensils are safe to use in surgical procedures.