Therapeutic Mattress

A cost effective mattress replacement solution for the prevention and management of pressure ulcers
The Alpha Active-4 Mattress Replacement System is suitable for a wide range of healthcare environments, including home and community care facilities.

The Auto Logic systems comprise of a mattress replacement, overlay or seat cushion, all operated by the same pump. The pump incorporates Self Set Technology (SST), which adjusts air pressure every 10 mins for the alternating mode and 20 mins for the Constant Low Pressure (CLP) mode to suit the Body Mass Index (BMI) and position of the patient. Both support systems can be used on standard hospital and domestic beds.

Nimbuss-4 is an advanced Mattress Replacement System (MRS) with alternating pressure redistribution. It The Nimbus® 4 system combines automatic adjustment of cell pressures, the Heelguard™ and unique vent valve technology to provide effective pressure relief and improved solutions for a wide range of resident/patient management issues.